by Leanne Mulheron
Signs, Symptoms, and Coping Strategies to Help You Avoid Falling Off
As a psychologist specialising in women’s mental health, I’ve supported many women through the often-challenging transition of perimenopause. This phase, which can last several years before menopause, often catches women off guard with its physical, mental and emotional upheavals. Let’s explore this important but often misunderstood life stage with some information that I hope will empower you, whether you’re approaching menopause, in the midst of it, or supporting someone who is.
First, let’s demystify what menopause actually is. Medically, menopause is defined as the point when a woman hasn’t had a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months. However, the journey to this point – known as perimenopause can last anywhere from a few months to 10 years. Perimenopause officially begins when ovarian function declines, resulting in irregular hormone levels (including estrogen and progesterone). Estrogen receptors can be found in almost every part of a woman’s body and given the female physiology usually exists as a fine balance between hormones and neurotransmitters these fluctuations can have a significant impact across all areas of a woman’s life- physical, cognitive and emotional. The single day of menopause occurs on average at 51 years of age, and usually happens somewhere between 45 and 55 and is diagnosed based on symptoms, not blood tests. Given as I said perimenopause can last for 10 years, women could be experiencing the symptoms of menopause from 35 years of age but often not realising it. As women are also having babies later in life, they could be negotiating postpartum challenges and perimenopause at the same time!
Other types of menopauses include chemical and surgical menopause where menopause may be induced for medical reasons, early menopause which occurs between the age of 40-45 as well as Primary Ovarian insufficiency which is menopause before the age of 40.
This entire process is what we commonly refer to as “going through menopause.” It is important to acknowledge that symptoms vary widely in frequency, intensity and impact from woman to woman.
Traditionally we thought that hot flushes and night sweats were the only symptoms caused by menopause however we now understand that there are many more symptoms that could be attributed to these hormonal fluctuations
Common Signs and Symptoms
Mood Swings: You might experience sudden irritability, anxiety, or low mood. One minute you’re Mary Poppins, the next you’re the Wicked Witch of the West. No, you’re not auditioning for a one-woman show. Welcome to perimenopause!
Sleep? What’s that?: Night sweats and insomnia are common during this transition.
Cognitive changes: Many women report “brain fog” or difficulty concentrating or not being able to remember the right…what was I saying…
Irregular Periods: Your cycle may become unpredictable.
Hot Flushes: These can occur day or night and can be extremely disturbing, disrupting and anxiety-provoking for many women.
Libido Changes: You may notice a decrease or, sometimes, an increase. This change can be very impactful to relationships. Or why many call this time “Men on pause.”
Physical discomfort/ Body Rebellion: This can include joint pain, headaches, and breast tenderness.
It’s crucial to remember that these symptoms can vary greatly between individuals and even from month to month. Here are a few tips to help you through this time
- Prioritize sleep: Establish a consistent bedtime routine, no scrolling (I know, I know) and create a cool, comfortable sleeping environment.
- Regular exercise: Physical activity can help regulate mood, improve sleep, and maintain bone density.
- Mindfulness and stress reduction: Practices like meditation or yoga can help manage mood swings and anxiety. Try meditation. If nothing else, it’s a great excuse to sit quietly and ignore everyone.
- Balanced nutrition: A diet rich in whole foods, lean proteins, and omega-3 fatty acids can support overall well-being.
- Hormone therapy: Discuss this option with your healthcare provider if symptoms are impactful.
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): This can be particularly helpful for managing mood and sleep disturbances.
- Stay hydrated: This can help with hot flashes and overall health. Water is your new best friend. Sorry, wine.
- Limit caffeine and alcohol: Both can exacerbate mood swings and sleep issues. Approach with caution. They’re like frenemies now – fun in small doses but can turn on you quickly.
- Build a support network: Find your tribe of fellow peri-warriors and connect with other women going through similar experiences.
- Practice self-compassion: Be kind to yourself as you navigate this transition Treat yourself like your own best friend. Would you tell your bestie she’s a hot mess? Hmmm well at least do it nicely!
Remember, perimenopause is natural, it’s normal, and yes, it’s a bit of a wild ride. But most importantly it is not something you need to navigate alone or feel shame or stigma about. If symptoms do get too overwhelming, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional menopause-informed help. We’re like hormonal tour guides, here to help you navigate the twists and turns of this grand adventure. Who knows? You might even experience the great unravelling that Brené Brown speaks of. No, it’s not about acting unravelled, well at least not only that. The great unravelling encompasses stripping away the relationships and beliefs that no longer serve you and making way for a reframing and new growth (not just chin hairs) but how we want to live the second half of this beautiful life.
This perspective doesn’t negate the very real challenges that can come with menopause but rather, it offers a framework for finding meaning and opportunity if you can, within those challenges. By embracing this time as one of unravelling and renewal, we open ourselves to the profound growth and self-discovery that menopause can bring.
Remember, every woman’s journey through this transition is unique. Honor your individual experience without judgement or comparison and if you need help or even just a mid-life cheerleader to help you negotiate this new phase, reach out for menopause-informed support.
So, here’s to the great unravelling – may your chocolate stash never empty, and your sense of humour remain firmly intact. Remember you are not alone, and help is available and finally welcome to the club, ladies. It’s hot in here, but the company’s fantastic!