Affinity Psychology

About Us

Our Clinicians

Our Services

Psychometric Assessment


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Gain a deeper understanding of yourself with Affinity Clinical Psychology.

About Affinity

At Affinity Clinical Psychology, we help you deepen your understanding of yourself and others, and build stronger, more meaningful connections through personalised psychology services grounded in the concept of affinity. We provide psychometric assessments for children, adolescents and adults with a warm, empathic and affirming approach that is tailored to the individual’s needs. We offer a comprehensive range of assessments and reporting styles and ensure report recommendations align with the individual and their life and resources.

Affinity Psychology

Our Therapists

Our therapists are experienced professionals who provide compassionate and personalised care, helping you achieve your mental health goals.

Affinity Psychology

Our Approach

Our approach combines evidence-based techniques with personalised care, empowering you to build stronger connections and achieve your mental health goals.

Affinity Psychology

Our Services

We offer tailored assessments for a range of cognitive and behavioural needs.


Our Clinicians

Leanne is a warm, supportive and compassionate psychologist and published researcher who is experienced in using a range of evidence-based interventions, including cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), mindfulness, behavioural therapies, and parent coaching.

Leanne currently specialises in administering psychometric assessments with a warm empathic and non-judgemental attitude. Leanne offers a client-centred approach and tailors assessments to provide individuals with a valuable and comprehensive insight into their personal strengths and challenges. She also understands the importance of providing report recommendations that align with the individual and their life, values and resources.

Leanne’s approach involves a thorough understanding of the psychological and cognitive foundations of each assessment, careful analysis of the results, and discussion of the implications for the individual in question. Leanne has a gentle and friendly demeanour that encourages her clients to feel comfortable discussing their results, and she is an excellent listener and collaborator. She is dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate feedback to help her clients reach their full potential.

Leanne understands the many barriers to receiving help and the importance of providing comprehensive reports that offer individuals and their families with evidence-based strategies that promote positive and lasting outcomes. She has experience working with individuals across the life span from young children and adolescents to adults.

Leanne completed her Bachelor of Psychology with first class honours at the University of Sydney and holds a Master of Clinical Psychology with distinction from Western Sydney University. Leanne is a registered psychologist and is currently completing the Clinical Psychology Registrar program.

Leanne is a neurodiversity affirming practitioner and is especially skilled in performing assessments for individuals presenting with cognitive delay, learning difficulties, ADHD and giftedness.

Price List

Assessment fees vary between $950 and $2200, of which a $250 deposit is taken in advance to secure your appointment. Two different types of reports are available for most assessment types (excluding Autism assessment), these are discussed below.

Comprehensive Report

  • Detailed client history including summary of family, medical and developmental history
  • Summary of previous interventions and referral concerns
  • Assessment and questionnaire definitions and explanations
  • Full tabled results and interpretation of assessments/
  • Summary and discussion of strengths and weaknesses
  • Diagnosis / Differential diagnosis and severity level
  • Tailored and detailed recommendations for home and school

Diagnostic Summary

  • Brief summary of referral concerns
  • Diagnosis and severity level (if appropriate)
  • Brief summary of strengths and challenges
  • Brief general recommendations

Review of Service

  • Initial Interview occurs via zoom
  • Review of individual’s history (including developmental, medical and educational history) and tailoring of individual assessment package
  • Face to face assessment
  • Diagnostic report including long and short-term strategies
  • Feedback, recommendations and question session via Zoom

Assessment happens over one or two sessions depending on the needs and specified requirements of the individual and is administered with the individual only. Feedback session involves the individual and/or parents (if over 15) or parents only (if under 15).

Assessment Fees

Learning, Achievement and ADHD Assessment

Comprehensive report $1700
Diagnostic letter $1450


  • Comprehensive intake
  • Diagnostic interview including medical, psychological and developmental history,
  • Cognitive (IQ) assessment
  • Achievement assessment
  • Other attention/learning based assessments, if necessary, as assessed during testing/interview.
  • Psychometric questionnaires based on needs as assessed by interview.
  • Feedback session

Giftedness Assessment

Comprehensive report $1150
Diagnostic letter $950


  • Comprehensive intake
  • Diagnostic interview including medical, psychological and developmental history.
  • Cognitive (IQ) assessment
  • Feedback session

Intellectual Disability Assessment

Comprehensive report $1150
iagnostic letter $950


  • Comprehensive intake
  • Diagnostic interview including medical, psychological and developmental history,
  • Cognitive (IQ) assessment
  • Adaptive functioning assessment.
  • Feedback session

ADHD Adult Comprehensive detailed Cognitive Assessment

Comprehensive report $1650
Diagnostic summary $1100


  • Comprehensive intake
  • Diagnostic interview including medical, psychological and developmental history.
  • Psychometric tests and questionnaires
  • Feedback session

Comprehensive Adult ADHD report includes cognitive assessment and comprehensive reporting.

Autism Comprehensive Assessment


  • Comprehensive intake
  • Extensive Diagnostic interview(s) including medical, psychological and developmental history.
  • Psychometric questionnaires
  • Comprehensive report with client’s history, questionnaire explanations and results, diagnosis (if appropriate) and recommendations
  • Feedback session

Our Services

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD is the most common neurodevelopmental difference and is characterised by inattention, impulsivity, and in some cases hyperactivity. ADHD can have lifelong impacts on individuals and families. Timely diagnosis and quality treatment can improve individual outcomes substantially.

ADHD is diagnosed using criteria outlined in the ‘Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed., text rev; DSM-5 TR) by the American Psychiatric Association.

To be diagnosed with ADHD the symptoms of inattention and/or hyperactivity and impulsivity:

  • need to be excessive for the developmental age of the individual
  • need to be present before the age of 12
  • must have persisted for longer than 6 months
  • must contribute to impairment across multiple settings (home, school, childcare, work).

Our clinicians are trained to administer, score, report and diagnose using standardised assessment tools and the collection of background developmental and medical information. These assessments are useful in assessing for giftedness, intellectual disabilities, specific learning disorders and ADHD.


Autism is a neurodevelopmental difference impacting approximately 1 in every 150 Australians.

While diagnosis in adolescents, teenagers, and adults is growing more common, it is still underdiagnosed, particularly in girls and women. It is typically identified through differences in communication, social interaction, and behaviour.

Early detection can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals and assessment is completed using a neuroaffirming approach. Our affirming and comprehensive written report outlines the results of the assessment and provides recommendations regarding supports and resources.

Intellectual Disability

An intellectual disability is characterised by impairments in general cognitive abilities that impact adaptive functioning.

Intellectual disability is a lifelong condition that affects a person’s intellectual skills and their behaviour in different situations. It can include difficulties in communication, memory, understanding, problem solving, self-care as well as social, emotional and physical abilities.

Gifted Assessments

Giftedness Assessments can be used to assess for giftedness or gifted program admissions. Some parents notice gifted attributes in their child and want to have these explored further (attributes such as excellent problem solving, abstract reasoning, curiosity, vivid imagination and sensitivity). Boredom in the classroom and underachievement are also concerns parents often feel warrant assessment. It is helpful to identify giftedness as soon as possible so that a child’s environment can be adapted successfully to best fit their ability.

Specific Learning Disorder

Specific Learning Disorders are neurodevelopmental differences that begin during childhood but may not be recognised until adulthood. Learning disorders affect one of three areas: reading, writing and/or mathematics.

A Specific Learning Disorder in reading (Dyslexia) refers to difficulty with reading and connecting letters on a page with the sounds they make. As a result, reading becomes a slow, effortful and not a fluent process.

Specific Learning Disorder in writing (Dysgraphia) is used to describe difficulties with putting thoughts on to paper. Problems with writing can include difficulties with spelling, grammar, punctuation, and handwriting.

Specific Learning Disorder in mathematics (Dyscalculia) describes difficulties learning number related concepts or using the symbols and functions to perform mathematical calculations. Problems with mathematics can include difficulties with number sense, memorizing mathematical facts, mathematical calculations, mathematical reasoning and mathematical problem solving.

What To Expect

  • Step 1 Pre-Assessment: Clients complete comprehensive intake documents and questionnaires which help our clinicians customise assessments. School reports or other reports from allied health professionals may also be requested. Our clinician may need to clarify or gain more information about the individual and this may be done via a phone call, Zoom or in person before the assessment session.
  • Step 2: Individually tailored, evidence-based psychometric assessment(s) are administered. These may be conducted over one or two sessions and usually take between 1 and 2 hours each. Only the individual being assessed is present for the assessment.
  • Step 3: The individual report is created by collating the results of the psychometric assessment(s), reviewing developmental and medical history, behavioural observations as well as the information from self-report and observer questionnaires. The report will include a diagnosis (if appropriate) as well as practical recommendations for home and school/work. The report can be used for treatment planning as well as evidence of a diagnosis where appropriate.
  • Step 4: A feedback question and answer session is conducted which provides the individual and/or parents with the opportunity to view the report and provide further details, as well as seek further clarification on any issues covered in the report. This session will be conducted via Zoom.
  • Step 5: The completed report and recommendations are provided.

Psychometric Assessment

At Affinity Clinical Psychology, we offer comprehensive personalised psychometric assessment services to help individuals better understand their cognitive and emotional functioning.

Our experienced professionals offer a safe and supportive environment and use a variety of evidence-based tests to assess cognitive abilities, personality traits and mental health concerns.

Through psychometric assessment, we aim to provide valuable insights that can inform treatment planning and promote overall well-being to empower our clients to build stronger connections, make meaningful changes and live more fulfilling lives.


We understand that seeking psychometric assessment can be a big step, and you likely have many questions. In this section, we aim to provide answers to some of the most common questions we receive about our services, approach, and what to expect.

What is psychometric assessment?

Psychometric assessment involves the use of standardised tools to evaluate an individual’s cognitive, emotional, and behavioural functioning. These assessments are administered by a trained professional and can provide valuable insights into a person’s strengths, challenges and areas of concern.

What types of psychometric assessments do you offer?

At Affinity Clinical Psychology, we offer a range of psychometric assessments, including assessments of cognitive abilities, personality traits, and mental health concerns. Our experienced professionals use evidence-based tools and techniques to provide accurate and reliable results that can inform treatment planning and promote overall well-being.

How long does a psychometric assessment session take, and what should I expect?

The length of a psychometric assessment session can vary depending on the type and number of assessments being administered. Assessment sessions typically last between one and two hours each. During the session(s) you can expect to complete a variety of tasks including answering questions and solving puzzles. Our professionals will guide you through the process and ensure that you feel comfortable and supported throughout the experience. There is no need to be nervous or prepare for the session but try to be well rested and bring along water and/or a snack if appropriate.

Get Started

If you're ready to take the first steps to help we're here to support you.

Contact us today to schedule a complementary intake call.